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Understanding Rosacea: Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatment Options

by Barbara Chappuis 18 Aug 2023
Understanding Rosacea: Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatment Options - Bee Naturals

Did you know that rosacea affects over 16 million people in the United States alone? Yet, despite its prevalence, this skin condition remains largely misunderstood, leaving many people struggling to manage their symptoms and maintain their quality of life. Typically, rosacea is characterized by persistent redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels on the face, as well as papules and pustules that can resemble acne.

While rosacea is not life-threatening, its impact on a person’s self-esteem, social life, and even career can be significant. Therefore, as part of rosacea awareness month, we’ve created an article that delves into the complexities of rosacea, exploring its symptoms, causes, and the latest treatment options available to help those affected by this condition.

What Is Rosacea

Rosacea is a frequently occurring, long-term skin condition mainly affecting the face. It is marked by a consistent reddish hue, flushing, and noticeable blood vessels on various facial areas, from the nose to cheeks, chin, and forehead. 

Additionally, individuals with rosacea may encounter small, pimple-like bumps known as papules and pustules, similar to acne. Sometimes, these bumps can be accompanied by discomfort from a burning or stinging sensation. Dry and irritated eyes are also another physical effect of this condition.

Types of Rosacea

This complex condition presents itself in four subtypes, each with its unique symptoms and manifestation. These subtypes often require different approaches to managing symptoms; understanding the differences is crucial in developing an effective treatment plan.

  • Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea

Also known as subtype-1 rosacea, this condition is characterized by persistent facial redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. For some individuals, the skin may appear swollen and inflamed; in most cases, small bumps and pimples may develop on the face.

The prevalent symptoms of erythematotelangiectatic rosacea include persistent facial redness that may worsen with physical activity or emotional stress, dry and flaky skin, a burning or stinging sensation and visible blood vessels on the face.

  • Papulopustular rosacea

The subtype-2 rosacea is characterized by acne-like breakouts on the face, often accompanied by persistent facial redness and visible blood vessels. Like other types of rosacea, papules and pustules may develop on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. It’s common to experience burning and stinging sensations, often triggered by stress, alcohol, and spicy foods.

  • Phymatous rosacea 

This rosacea subtype primarily affects the nose, chin, cheeks, forehead, and ear skin. It’s often identified by thickened skin and irregular surface nodules on the affected areas. These areas may also become swollen, and the skin may appear greasy. Other symptoms of Phymatous rosacea may include persistent facial redness, visible blood vessels, and a burning or stinging sensation.

  • Ocular rosacea

As the name suggests, people with ocular rosacea experience dry, irritated eyes and redness and inflammation of the eyelids. It can also cause various symptoms associated with the eyes, from light sensitivity to blurred vision, bloodshot and watery eyes, and crusting on the eyelids. Spicy foods, alcohol, and sunlight can also trigger it.

Causes and Risk Factors of Rosacea

The precise causes of rosacea are not fully understood; however, it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Medical professionals link rosacea with a heightened immune system response, which can lead to inflammation and skin irritation. Abnormalities in the blood vessels in the skin are also possible causes of rosacea, which can cause redness and flushing.

Genetics has also been linked to rosacea, particularly the HLA gene. Typically, the HLA gene is involved in the immune system’s response to foreign invaders. Any mutation in this gene can make an individual more prone to developing inflammatory conditions like rosacea. Variations in the genes that regulate blood vessel functions and those that control the skin’s barrier function and response to environmental stressors can also contribute to rosacea development.

Demodex mites and environmental factors can also trigger or worsen rosacea symptoms. Some factors include sunlight, wind, hot or cold temperatures, spicy foods, alcohol, and stress.

Aside from the causes, several factors can increase the risk of developing this condition. While rosacea affects people of all ages and ethnicity, it is most commonly diagnosed in individuals over 30, particularly those with fair skin and light eyes. Women are also more likely to be diagnosed with rosacea, although men may experience more severe symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of rosacea can vary based on the individual and the condition’s subtype. However, some common ones include:

Flushing and persistent redness

The initial manifestation of rosacea typically presents as a persistent reddening and flushing of the skin, which can resemble a mild sunburn or a blush that does not subside. This symptom may occur in discrete episodes or persist over time and, in some cases, is accompanied by a warm, tender, or sensitive feeling in the affected area.

Bumps and pimples

Rosacea can generate small and pustular bumps on the skin, which can be mistaken for acne. These bumps are a characteristic feature of this condition and tend to be tender, red, and itchy. While they look very similar to acne, it’s essential to differentiate between them to provide appropriate treatment and management.

Visible blood vessels

Rosacea can also manifest as small, discernible blood vessels that become visible in the skin, particularly in areas surrounding the nose and cheeks. Some medical professionals call this telangiectasia, which occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels close to the skin’s surface.

Eye Irritation

Eye irritation is primarily indicative of ocular rosacea. This subtype of rosacea affects the eyes and the eyelids and can cause them to swell and sometimes lead to more serious eye problems if left untreated. Other symptoms include redness, dryness, itching, burning, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision.

Burning or Stinging

These are common symptoms of rosacea. Many people with this condition experience burning, stinging, or itching sensations on their faces, especially when exposed to some of the triggers we’ve highlighted earlier. In some cases, individuals may also experience thickened skin in the affected areas. 

Treatment Options for Rosacea

There is no precise cure for rosacea; however, several treatment options are available to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. These may include topical or oral medications, light-based therapies, and lifestyle modifications to avoid triggers. 

Topical medications are the prevalent treatment options for long-term rosacea management. This is because they incorporate some ingredients that significantly help to manage the condition. We’ll look into three ingredients; Azelaic Acid, Bakuchiol, and Fullerene, each with unique characteristics and benefits for managing rosacea.

Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acid is a topical medication for treating several skin conditions, including rosacea. It is a dicarboxylic acid in some whole grains like wheat and barley.

Azelaic acid is believed to work by reducing inflammation and killing the bacteria that contribute to the development of rosacea. It also helps to unclog pores and reduce the formation of pimples and blackheads. Additionally, azelaic acid inhibits the production of abnormal melanocytes, which can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and other skin discoloration issues.

Various formulations of azelaic acid are obtainable as prescribed medication, such as creams, gels, and foams, to treat skin conditions. One very effective product is Bee Naturals’ Azelaic 10% serum. This serum features hydrating, moisturizing, and exfoliating components alongside ingredients known to soothe and manage rosacea symptoms and create a luminous complexion.

The affected skin areas are usually treated twice daily with this medication, and it may take a few weeks to observe the full therapeutic effects. Typically, azelaic acid has mild adverse reactions, including skin irritation, dryness, and itching.


Bakuchiol is a plant-based ingredient derived from the seeds and leaves of the Babchi plant.

It’s increasingly used in skincare products as a natural and effective alternative to retinol due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for treating various skin conditions, including rosacea.

Bakuchiol addresses rosacea by reducing inflammation and calming the skin. It has also proven effective in reducing redness and improving the skin’s texture and tone without causing irritation or sensitivity.

It also has the added benefit of being much gentler on the skin than retinol, which can sometimes cause dryness, peeling, and sensitive reactions, especially in people with rosacea. Bakuchiol can be used as a standalone ingredient or in combination with other anti-inflammatory and soothing ingredients to help manage rosacea symptoms.


Unlike the other two ingredients, fullerene is a molecule composed entirely of carbon atoms and arranged in a unique pattern resembling a soccer ball.

 It has been found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a promising ingredient in skincare products, particularly in treating rosacea.

As you would expect, the properties of fullerene make it ideal for reducing inflammation and protecting the skin from oxidative damage caused by environmental triggers, such as ultraviolet radiation, pollution, and free radicals. Fullerene also inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enhances the skin’s barrier function, improving its ability to retain moisture and protect itself from external irritants.

All these ingredients provide soothing and comprehensive relief from the symptoms of rosacea. And while most of them can be used with other products, it’s best to consult a professional or do so under prescription.

In conclusion, rosacea is a complex skin condition that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. According to surveys by the National Rosacea Society (NRS), nearly 90 percent of rosacea patients reported having low self-confidence and self-esteem. This statistic highlights the need to identify and avoid triggers or develop a consistent skincare routine to address the disorder before it becomes increasingly severe and intrusive in your daily life.

With the right approach, managing rosacea can be achievable, and individuals can feel confident and comfortable in their skin. More importantly, individuals with rosacea do not have to face this condition alone. Numerous support groups and foundations, like the National Rosacea Society and Rosacea Support Group, help provide guidance, education, and emotional support for those struggling with rosacea. These groups offer a sense of community and can help you feel understood and validated.

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