Membership & Loyalty FAQ's

After purchasing a Beauty Club Membership how/when do you get the promised Bonus Points?

Members who purchase one of our Beauty Club Memberships are eligible to receive bonus points worth either $50 or $100 (depending on which membership was purchased).Bonus points will be issued via email the following Tuesday after the initial purchase has been made. The email will include each members individual point value that is available to them. Bonus points will still be issued on that day regardless of whether or not the email was received or opened. The email is only meant as a notification tool.All other perks (besides bonus points) will be made available to each new member by the next available business day after the initial purchase is made.

How To

Sign in to your Loyalty and Rewards Account

How To

Change your profile information for your loyalty and rewards account.

How To

Redeem Free Shipping for Beauty Club Members

How To

Redeem rewards points to use as a discount towards your purchase.

How To

Cancel the redemption of a reward that you no longer wish to redeem.

How To

Redeem your rewards points towards the purchase of a free product.